Review of Java is complete Now begin study of data structures What's a Data Structure? object that stores a collection of other objects data structures are often referred to as "collections" The study of data structures has two points of view: (1) Using Abstract interface provided by each data structure a. Called an "Abstract Data Type" b. Usually represented as a Java interface (2) Implementing Various techniques for implementing the data structure The next several lectures focus on using: (1) the various data structures (2) how they can be used to solve some representative problems (3) how to use implementations provided in the Java library The next few projects involve solving problems using data structures. What data types are included in the Java library? Collection, List, Set, SortedSet, ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet, HashSet What's a Collection? represents a group of objects 6.3.1 Collection Interface public interface Collection { int size(); void clear(); boolean isEmpty(); boolean add(Object x); boolean remove(Object x); boolean contains(Object x); Object[] toArray(); Iterator iterator(); } What classes implement Collection? ArrayList, LinkedList, TreeSet, HashSet How are data structures the same? Collection defines common behaviors of the data structures Collection defines a set of methods that should be provided by any class that implements a data structure How are data structures different? (1) order (List, Stack, Queue) no order (Set) (2) duplicates (List, Stack, Queue) no duplicats (Set) (3) access (Stack = LIFO, Queue = FIFO, List = position) What does the Collection interface allow you to do? access different data structures using the same interface When would you use a Collection? when you want to write generic code that works on any data structure DEMO ( make ArrayList of Strings (names) make HashSet of Integers demo add, remove, contains What's an Iterator? object that allows access to each object in a collection Why do you need an Iterator? Why can't you use a simple loop and array index approach? for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) System.out.println (a[i]); don't know internal structure of a Collection 6.3.2 Iterator Interface public interface Iterator { boolean hasNext(); Object next(); void remove(); } How do you create an Iterator? Collection bag; Iterator i = bag.iterator(); Why is a factory method needed? Why not 'new Iterator()' ? How do you use an Iterator? while (i.hasNext()) System.out.println (; DEMO ( write method to find maximum value in a Collection show that it works with different types of Collections